Fact Sheet: Meeting the principles of good governance increases reliance on collective management organisations

News   31.5.2022  

The activities of collective management organisations affect both rightholders and users of works in many ways. It is therefore important that they operate in a transparent, accountable and equitable manner. A new Fact Sheet by the Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore examines the collective management of copyright from the point of view of good governance.

There are seven collective management organisations (CMOs) in Finland that administer copyright on behalf of creators and other rightholders. CMOs play a key role in granting licenses and distributing remunerations on the use of copyrighted works. They can be considered to hold a dominant position in their respective markets and are able to control the price level of certain licenses. For this reason, the activities of CMOs should be transparent, accountable and equitable.

Cupore’s latest fact sheet addresses the characteristics of good governance in the collective management of copyright and provides figures on the representativeness of the Finnish CMOs. The fact sheet also discusses whether CMOs operate in accordance with the principles of good governance after the entry into force of the Act on the Collective Management of Copyright.

“Adherence to the principles of good governance maintains the quality of operations and strengthens the CMO’s relationship with its key stakeholders, i.e. rightholders and users of works,” says Tiina Kautio, Project Manager and author of the Fact Sheet.

“Operating in accordance with these principles requires commitment and the ability to respond to changes in the operating environment. It increases confidence in the CMO’s operation and rightholders’ participatory power”, Kautio points out.

The Fact Sheet is based on Cupore’s earlier publications regarding the principles of good governance and collective management of copyright.

Download the Fact Sheet in PDF format on Cupore’s website:

Tiina Kautio (2022). Collective Management of Copyright – a Good Governance Perspective. Cupore Fact Sheet 7. Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore.

Further information:

Project Manager Tiina Kautio, tiina.kautio@cupore.fi, p. +358 50 4300658
