Survey on foreign-born artists’ and arts and culture professionals’ employment and work in arts and culture in Finland

The aim of the survey is to examine questions of employment and work in Finnish arts and culture field. We hope to hear from artists and arts and culture professionals who were born outside Finland and/or whose native language is something other than Finnish or Swedish. The survey is available in Finnish and English. We hope to get answers across all fields of arts and culture.
We ask that you kindly respond to the survey by 31st December 2018 31st January 2019.
The survey is carried out by the Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore and it is part of a project called Opening. Becoming an agent in the field of arts and culture in Finland. The project is a joint effort by the Culture for All Service, Cupore and Globe Art Point. The aim of the project is to support equal employment and work opportunities for foreign-born artists and arts and culture professionals in Finnish arts and culture field.
More information on the survey: researcher Emmi Lahtinen,, p. +358 50 556 0414.
Read more about project Opening
Photo Unsplash/Tim Mossholder.