Sticks and Carrots of Arts Policy

Operational subsidies of Arts Promotion Centre Finland for communities in different fields of the arts, 2013-2019. Summary.

The Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore was commissioned by Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) to assess the operational subsidies it allocates to communities in different fields of the arts. Taike, which was established in 2013 as the successor of the Arts Council of Finland, operates under the performance supervision of the Finnish Ministry of Culture as a national agency and expert in arts policy with the objective of implementing the state’s arts policies. This assessment focuses especially on Taike’s operational subsidies for communities, but the broader frame of reference are the state subsidy policies implemented by MinEduC and Taike. 

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Full report in Finnish:

Sakarias Sokka ja Olli Jakonen 2020. Taidepolitiikan kepit ja porkkanat. Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen toiminta-avustukset taiteenalojen yhteisöille 2013-2019. Cuporen verkkojulkaisuja 58. Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuskeskus Cupore.

Web publication ISBN 978-952-7200-44-5 ISSN 1796-9263 

Print ISBN 978-952-7200-45-2 ISSN 1795-1739  


Project researchers