All research projects
Ongoing research
Artists’ Social and Psychological Well-being at Work
Cupore is participating in a subproject focusing on the arts, culture and events sectors in the Mental Health Toolkit project coordinated by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in 2023–2025.
Ongoing research
Diversity and equity in arts and culture
Ongoing research
Copyright questions in scientific research
Cupore conducts a research project on copyright issues related to scientific research. The topics concern especially the use of copyrighted research material and the availability of research publications.
Ongoing research
Tieteelliseen tutkimukseen liittyvät tekijänoikeuskysymykset
Cupore toteuttaa vuosina 2023–2025 hankkeen, jossa selvitetään tieteelliseen tutkimukseen liittyviä tekijänoikeudellisia kysymyksiä.
Ongoing research
Regional art museums and their operations related to municipal cultural activities
In 2022–2024, Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore is carrying out a regional development task assigned by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. The task focuses on regional arts museums and their operations related to municipal cultural activities and interaction with professional artists and amateurs.
Ongoing research
State funding for culture in Finland
Ongoing research
As an artist in Finland
As an artist in Finland is a continuous research project on the situation and societal status of professional artists working in Finland. Cupore collaborates in the research with Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and Statistics Finland. In addition, various stages of the researchers are collaborating with artists' associations, grant-making foundations and copyright organizations.
Ongoing research
Oulu2026 evaluation research
Oulu will be European Capital of Culture in 2026 along with 39 other municipalities from Northern Finland. Oulu2026 is a long-term, culture-based urban development project, the aim of which is cultural climate change. The purpose of the project of the Oulu2026 project is to create and bring culture, wellbeing, and vitality to our Northern region.
Ongoing research
Assessment of the Finnish Copyright System
Cupore assesses the operation of the Finnish copyright system on the basis of annually changing themes.
Ongoing research
Evaluation on Basic Public Services
Ongoing research
The impacts of digitalization on culture and cultural policy
Ongoing research
The Arts and Culture Barometer
Ongoing research
Cultural Activities in Municipalities
Cultural wellbeing for the elderly and the operating conditions of artists
Copyright issues in the audiovisual industry
The project addresses topical copyright issues in the audiovisual industry as well as the importance of copyright as an incentive for creative work and business. The goal is to study issues related to the industry's contracts, the effects of technological development, as well as the needs for the copyright system’s development.
Collective management of copyright
The project examines the collective management of copyright in Finland.
Research on the Impacts and Meanings of Finland 100
Cultural policies and regional economic impacts of cultural events
Employment in the Finnish film and TV industry
Opinions of the General Public on the Copyright System
Cupore conducted a research project on public perceptions on the operation of the copyright system during the years 2019 and 2020.
Mapping and evaluation of the operation of the information centres for the arts in Finland
Art in use
Copyright Issues in Education
Cupore conducted a research project on copyright issues in educational activities during the years 2018 and 2019. The project examined issues related to the availability and the use of works in teaching.
Opening. Becoming an agent on the field of arts and culture in Finland
The evaluation of the operational subsidies of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Assessment and evaluation of impacts in arts and culture
Gender Equality in Film Production
Study of state subsidies for promoting cultural activities of disability communities and the accessibility of culture
Expanding the One Percent Rule
Cultural and Creative Spillovers
Assessment of the Copyright System to Support Decision-making
The project, conducted between June 2016 and March 2018, aimed to develop the assessment of the Finnish copyright system to better inform decision-making.
Additional value of EU Structural Funds and the European Agricultural Fund for Finnish cultural policy
Developing public libraries. Effectiveness of subsidized development projects in public libraries.
Impacts of festivals and cultural events on cultural policies and local economies
Intangible Cultural Heritage
WIPO Guidelines on Assessing the Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of Copyright (ESCIA)
The Economic, Social and Cultural Impact Assessment (or ESCIA) Guidelines, developed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), aim at assessing the impacts of copyright-related regulatory and policy decisions.
Cultural Policy Research in Finland
The impact and effectiveness of the increase in government subsidies to professional theatres, orchestras and museums
Assessing the Operation of Copyright and Related Rights Systems
The project for establishing a methodology for a systematic assessment of national copyright and related rights systems was conducted at Cupore between 2009 and 2016. The objective of the project was to establish a set of guidelines for the assessment of national copyright systems’ operation in order to support the development of copyright and related rights policies and strategies.
Data collection on local government cultural provisions
Gender balances and imbalances in Finnish art and culture
History of Finnish Cultural Policy
Financing and Governance of Culture in Finland
Methodological problems in assessing cultural impacts
Methodology for Assessing the Operation of Copyright and Related Rights Systems
The role of curators in the production of contemporary art