In och ut ur salongerna: Rum, kropp och identitet i Salong 3+ konst. Tahiti, 14(1), 54–75, 2024.
Perspectives on culture, language, and cultural diversity in Finland (forthcoming) in an anthology edited by Alexandre Couture Gagnon and Diane Saint-Pierre, Quebec, Canada, 2023.
Salong 3+. Parvs, Helsinki, 2023.
Kulttuuripolitiikkaa erilaisilla alueilla, Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuksen vuosikirja/The Yearbook of the Association of Cultural Policy Research, 2022. (with V. Renko)
Mapping regional cultural policies in Canada, review, Nordic Journal for Cultural Policy Research, NKT 2/2022. (with V. Renko)
Dialogisuuden tasoja (Levels of dialogue) in Taidetta kaksin. Dialogien luominen suomalaisessa nykytaiteessa. s. 102–109. Parvs. Helsinki, 2022.
Taidetta kaksin. Dialoginen luominen suomalaisessa nykytaiteessa. (Together. Dialogic creation in Finnish Contemporary Art). Parvs, Helsinki, 2022.
Towards sustainable arts in Finland. International best practices and policies. Boekmann Foundation, 2022, s. 19–24. (with M. Mäenpää & A. Kanerva.)
Grenzen überschreiten in der heimischen Kultur – politik – das Beispiel Finnland. in Gräts, R & Hilgert, M. (eds) Innen – Aussen. Perspektiven einer integrierten Kulturpolitik, Steidl, 2021. (with S. Sokka)
Miten taiteessa tuotettua tietoa on tulkittava? TJNK-näkökulma, 1.3.2021.
“SIMKA gör mig stark” – samarbetet som en plattform för konstens och konstnärens frihet/ ”SIMKA makes me strong” – collaboration as a platform for the freedom of art and artists, in SIMKA inventarium, Bokförlaget Faethon, Stockholm, 2020.
Grounding artistic development (with I. Kokko) in Elfving, Kokko & Gielen, Pascal (eds.) Contemporary Artist Residencies – Reclaiming Time and Space, Valiz, Amsterdam, 2019.
Arts and Cultural Management, Sense and Sensibilities in the State of the Field, review, Nordic Journal for Cultural Policy Research, NKT 2/2019.
Taiteilijatutkimuksia, (Artist research) Special Issue Journal of Art History Research TAHITI. Guest Editor, Association for Art History, Helsinki. 2017.
Taiteilijan historiaa kirjoittamassa. (Writing the history of the artist), review, Journal for Art History Research, TAHITI issue 1/2017, Association for Art History, Helsinki, 2017.
Eksyttäjinä taiteen politiikassa (Disorientators in the politics of art), review, Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuksen vuosikirja/The Yearbook of the Association of Cultural Policy Research, 2015.
Aesthetic nets put out in the Baltic Sea – on SIMKA and the project Floating Trunks, in Floating Trunks, s. 33-36. SIMKA, Stockholm/Riga, 2015.
“Ni har ju era fonder, vi har ju våra fonder” – om hållbar kulturpolitik på svenska i Finland, (”You have your foundations, we have our foundations” – on sustainable cultural politics in Swedish in Finland). Magma-studie 3/2014, Thinktank Magma, Helsinki, 2014.
On the complexity of artistic thinking, in 22 Ways – on Artistic Thinking in Finnish Contemporary Art, pp Parvs Publishing, 2014.
22 Ways – on Artistic Thinking in Finnish Contemporary Art, Parvs Publishing, Helsinki, 2014.
Attitydernas form – utställningen som konsthistorisk entitet, (The form of attitudes – the exhibition as an art historical entity), Journal for Art History Research, TAHITI issue 2-3/2013, Association for Art History, Helsinki, 2013.
Offentlighet i omvandling – i efterdyningarna av Banksy, Renault och andra industrier (The reshaping of the public – in the aftermath of Banksy, Renault and other industries), Hjärnstorm – Journal of art, literature, philosophy, and contemporary debate, 4/2013.
Art, Myth and Ritual in Classical Greece, Judith M. Barringer, review, Arctos Acta Philologica Fennica 47, 2013.
Föreställningar om form – skulpturala strategier i samtidskonstens historia, (Imaginations on form -sculptural strategies in the the history of contemporary art) in Identiteter, Konsthistoriska studier, Föreningen för konsthistoria/Association for Art History, 2013.
How to Do Things with Art, Dorothea von Hantelmann, review, Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 2/2011.
Barbro Östhlin & New York, Annika Öhrner, review, Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 2/2010.
Media, art and the aesthetics of technology, in PLAY Aesthetics of Technology, Helsinki Art Museum & PRO AV Saarikko, pp. 96-111, 2013.
PLAY – The Aesthetics of Technology, Helsinki Art Museum & Pro AV Saarikko, Helsinki, 2013.
Grader av hemlöshet – om hemmets diskurs i samtida konstnärlig praktik (Degrees of homelessness – on the discourse on home in current artistic practices), Hjärnstorm – Journal of art, literature, philosophy, and contemporary debate, 1/2012.
Art Academy as University, Thoughts in the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts as a Learning Environment, in Art Academy as University – Finnish Academy of Fine Arts 160 years, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, 2008
Art Academy as University – Finnish Academy of Fine Arts 160 years, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, 2008.
Koska olen sen arvoinen (Because I am worth it) Naistutkimus 21 (2008): 3 Journal for Gender Studies, Association for Gender Studies, Helsinki, 2008.
Den framställande gesten – om konstverkets presentation i den moderna konstutställningen, (The Gesture of Exposure – on the presentation of the work of art in the modern art exhibition) Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki, Department for Art Research, Raster Förlag Stockholm, 2007
Maalaustaiteen presentaatiosta ja performatiivisuudesta, (On the presentation and performativity of painting) in. ed Pilvi Kalhama, Academy of Fine Art, Helsinki, 2006.
Led by Searching and Doubt – The Photographic Thinking in Heli Rekula’s Art, in Heli Rekula, Desert, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, 2005.